
Look what you've done.

So Matthew Williamson for H&M (where I work for anyone who doesn't know anything about my life from the last 4 years) is doing the next designer colab. I worked at bloor for launch of phase | and it was crazier than usual, actually, as the collection was limited to 124 pieces at my location. Phase || will be at my store and i'm actually pretty excited about it. The reason I'm bothing to blog about this is for the campaign commercial which has leaked. Unfortunately the sound doesn't match up about half way through, but I think it's really clever. BTW, I also will now be working in our office doing recruitment for our stores (yay promotion of sorts?) SO I won't be in the store nearly as often for those who come to visit me AND i'll be the one ruthlessly turning away your resume and calling you to rub your nose in it. Kidding. Or am I? I am.

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